Booking Form
We will be in touch soon to confirm the booking. If you have any questions at any time please contact us directly. You can view what our sample invites look like here.
[easy_form submit=”We got your reservation!” subsubmit=”
Prefered method of Payment (Bank Transfer)
Please Pay by bank transfer using the following banks details;
Business Name: Karts 4 Kids Ltd, Sort Code: 23-69-72 & Account number: 32579421
Alternative Method (PayPal – with additional processing charge)
If you would like to Pay through PayPal please call us before so we are aware.
To pay a deposit via PayPal, click the PayPal logo below.
Note, if you wish to pay by credit card, proceed to paypal and choose the Do not have account option.
Cash Payment
If you would rather pay by cash, you do not need to do anything else as your booking has been completed, we will verify all locations and dates are available.
” credit=”Reservation complete” subcredit=”You’ll receive an email with the reservations details” resourcename=”Room” price=”1″ pers=”1″ resource=”1286″ multiple=”full” validate=”Reservation successfully verified” subvalidate=”Either make additional reservations or submit”]
* Please note all pricing will be finalised upon completion of the booking, we will contact you ASAP to confirm all details noted on the form.
Manage Your Booking.
You can manage your booking directly through our site, simply click here, you will require the email address registered and booking ID which will have been sent to you in the registration email.
You can also send us a secure message within the booking form.
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